Welcome to the website of artist Neil Higgs

Welcome to the bio page on the soaring scenes website, this page will give details about the person behind the artwork you see on this website.


Hertfordshire based artist Neil Higgs was born in late 1968 in London, his parents moved to Hertfordshire in his early years, where he grew up through school and college. Trained in Electronics engineering, it wasn`t until 2004 that he tried his hand at a class run by a Bob Ross instructor and the rest, as they say, is history...

His earlier artwork subjects were mainly landscapes and seascapes, these giving him the ability to learn more about brush work and paint blending all of which would become very useful for the years to come.

After a few years he decided to combine his love of aviation for his new found interest in artwork and did his first aviation painting (called "High Flier" and can be seen in the gallery page)

This fueled a desire to continue with the aviation art and learn more about various techniques for painting aviation scenes. Viewing and listening to various professional aviation artists, he has continued to grow and in this field/subject, being involved with a number of high profile aviation clients in the UK...
  • 2010: RAF Typhoon display team
  • 2013: RAF Tucano display team
  • 2014: Lincs Aviation Heritage Centre (£1000)
  • 2015: Lincs Aviation Heritage Centre (£650), 490th BG memorial project (£1000)  & Children in Need / Little Gransden (£500)
If you are reading and thinking, he just does aviation and landscape, you would be wrong. During his artistic years, Neil has done various other subjects ranging from pet portraits to wild cats and maritime scenes. Have a look art the gallery for a summary of his work to date.

For a full list of all his artwork go to the gallery menu page, for details on him go to the bio menu page.

Copyright ©  Neil Higgs